Monday, February 13, 2006


"No-one, especially in the Arab world, seriously believes for a nanosecond that the only time that abuse of Iraqis by British troops takes place is when it is captured on film"
Saudi Gazette

"This opens the disgraceful file of the Anglo-American occupation forces' torture of the Iraqi brothers, scorning their dignity and soiling their mosques under the slogan of freedom and democracy "

"Long live Islam. Destroy Denmark. Destroy Israel. Destroy George Bush. Destroy America," protesters shouted as they marched to the Danish embassy in the rain from a nearby mosque.

"A leading Iranian newspaper has launched a competition asking people to submit cartoons about the Holocaust. "

"The tape allegedly shows a disturbance in the street outside what the paper calls a military compound.
British soldiers are shown chasing youths involved in the disturbance, dragging four of them into the compound and beating them on various parts of the body with batons and kicking them, one in the genitals. "

"5 February: Lebanese demonstrators set the Danish embassy in Beirut on fire. Interior Minister Hassan Sabeh resigns over the violent protests. "

Nunca esperei conhecer um lado tão negro da célebre frase "Todos diferentes, todos iguais..."

Civilizational superiority!? Bullshits!!!


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